
Showing posts from 2013

Alarm Fatigue in the Hospital

Pagers, phones, beepers, beeping lanyards, computers, intercoms.... the beeps, alarms, reminders, are not in short supply in the ER (or elsewhere in the health center). At some point there appears to be a level of fatigue, or perhaps a 'boy who cried wolf' syndrome. Repeated alarming may in fact diminish healthcare as providers become immune to the consistent barrage. How does your workplace manage alarms and do you find you're starting to suffer from 'alarm fatigue'?

The Most Disgusting Thing in the ER

Resurrecting one of our popular posts (and most disgusting/gross) from the archives. Nothing's changed, nurses face some of the grosses, weirdest, and seemingly normal functions of humanity. What's the most disgusting thing you've had to do / seen in your travels as a nurse? Addition: Some interesting and disgusting submissions, thanks....I think. A recent submission from a nurse working ICU. --- We had a patient who had an undiagnosed mental illness on top of the reason why he was admitted to ICU. We were doing routine visits to his room when we noticed the patient was coughing due to obstruction(s). As he was hacking up out comes numerous scabs from the sores on this body. Well if that wasn't enough, he sat in the bed as he, and we, looked at his discharge in his hand, and instead of inquiring where he could dispose of his....sores....he promptly slurped them back into his mouth and ate them.... Yes, I've seen many things, but that made us yell out, ...

Special training for victims of crime

What kind of special training is offered in your workplace to help identify and treat victims of crime. For example, any special training to help individuals who have been victims of a sexual assault? Perhaps victims of human trafficking? Share your opportunities and tips.

The one idiot that wrecks it for the rest

We might all have horror stories about that one employee or colleague who just shouldn't be in their job. Maybe it's the cranky old hag who's just sticking it out for another year before retirement. Maybe it's someone you just can't get along with no matter how hard you try. You dont have to get along with everyone , but in nursing you have to in the least get away with cooperation. That's of course harder when you're dealing with ice-cold personalities. How do you deal with misfits in the workplace? Do you have a terrible co-worker? How many have in fact reported bad care observed in a co-worker? How do you confront bad nurses? Post some thoughts here to help others. Let's just say the passive aggressive approach may be the one we all choose, but it may not be the most effective :P.

When you're a nursing student

The first time you have to put your first IV in your first real  arm, the first of many experiences, all resonate loudly in our memories. Some are cherished moments, others frightful, but in the end most memorable. Back when you were a nursing student there was a certain level of wide-eyed and bushy-tailed focus. After all, this was your moment to test your skills, to experience first hand how your career and training could help others. For others who don't want to be treated by nursing students, or heck, even residents, take a minute to be thankful you're being helped by someone who is more interested in the job they have to do rather than the responsibilities behind them, the full waiting room they need to attend to, someone devoid of the cynicism that so often renders moments of cloudy service.